Our milestone in excellent
health care delivery.
St. Raphael Divine Mercy Specialist Hospital was designed to house about three hundred (300) beds. The entire premises of the hospital cover an area of about two (2) hectares of land. There is a massive Bungalow complex that serves as the Out–patient department (OPD), it also accommodates the Administrative Office, Pharmacy, radiology, Accident and Emergency Unit, Eye Clinic, Dental Clinic, etc. There are three expansive blocks of 2-Story Building – these houses the wards, about three theatres, and a Laboratory.
Experienced Team
Primary Care
Unequalled Love for Humanity
How We Started St. Raphael Divine Mercy Specialist Hospital
The Birth
Commissioned on the 20th June, 2011 and commenced services to the public on 4th July, 2011. St. Raphael Divine Mercy Specialist Hospital is a 300-bed space hospital planned towards delivery of both primary, Secondary and tertiary health care services.
We stand for holistic care and best standard practice in health care. Our vision is to be the leader in the transformation of healthcare in our communities through faith-inspired commitment to excellence.
Our Future
Having begun as a primary health care provider and graduating into secondary provider, it is the goal of management that the hospital will very soon attain a higher qualification as a tertiary health institution and a teaching hospital.
St Raphael Divine Mercy Specialist Hospital is a health institution of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos. The Gospel is replete with instances of how Jesus cured every kind of ailment and diseases (Mt. 9:35). The Archdiocese of Lagos has served the sick, suffering, and dying in various ways since its erection in 1950. Today, it seeks to continue Christ’s ministry to the sick as it has done over time and thus continues to establish an effective Catholic presence in health care in the State and Nigeria at large.
The former Archdiocese of Lagos had an only hospital named Sacred Heart Hospital, Lantoro, in Abeokuta, Ogun State. That hospital was established in ……………. It is on record, therefore, that Sacred Heart, was the first hospital to be established in entire Nigeria. The creation of the diocese of Abeokuta made Lagos Archdiocese to cede Sacred Heart hospital to the newly created diocese of Abeokuta. The Archdiocese was left with smaller hospitals and clinics around different locations in the Archdiocese. The then Archbishop of Lagos, His Eminence Anthony Cardinal Okogie (now Emeritus Archbishop of Lagos) being a man of vision, did not want the Archdiocese to rest on its past glories. Thus, he mustered huge financial resources towards the establishment of St Raphael Divine Mercy Specialist Hospital in Boge Town, along Ijede Road, Ikorodu.
The hospital was commissioned on the 20th June 2011 and commenced services to the public on 4th July 2011. It is a 300-bed space hospital planned towards the delivery of both primary, secondary and tertiary health care services.
As Moses set up the twelve pillars, representing the foundation of the 12 tribes of Israel (Exo 24:4), so also the success story of St Raphael Divine Mercy Specialist Hospital will be incomplete without the two pillars which made it possible. At the onset, the hospital was planned to be a partnership with St Raphael hospital in Milan, Italy. It was planned to serve as a cancer specialist hospital, a referral center for all cancer cases. However, upon completion of the physical structure, the proposed partnership could not take off. That was due to the global financial meltdown from 2007 to 2009 that compromised the economic power of the hospital’s European (Milanese) partners. Hence, the founder, His Eminence, Anthony Cardinal Okogie, not willing to succumb to the disappointing situation, resolved in collaboration with the Congregation of the Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus to get the hospital operational as a primary health care hospital and gradually becoming a secondary caregiver. He not only backed it up with words but also with actions on several fronts.
After 10 (ten) years of commencing operation from the scratch, the hospital today has become a success story. While it has not yet actualized the dreams of its Founder, It is evident that with the progress made so far, the hospital in no distant time will qualify to operate as a teaching hospital. The progress so far would not have been possible without the unflinching support of the incumbent Archbishop of Lagos, His Grace, Most Rev Alfred Adewale Martins, whose robust interest in the growth and development of healthcare institutions in the entire Archdiocese has positioned the numerous mission healthcare institutions in the Archdiocese towards greater service to humanity and St Raphael Divine Mercy Specialist Hospital stands out as first amongst others. His Grace has been most supportive of the hospital not only financially but also by providing it with very experienced and dedicated management Committee (Board) members whose germane and innovative ideas have shepherded the hospital towards landmark successes and growth.
Worthy of mention is the selfless sacrifice of the Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, who took up the challenge in accepting to work in the hospital when the Milanese collaboration did not work out and they have been part of the Management of the hospital these past 10 years. Same goes to the Archbishop of Onitsha, Most Rev Dr. Valerian Maduka Okeke who graciously granted the request of His Eminence and allowed one of his priests, Rev Fr Joe Ben Onyia Esq., to be part of the management of the hospital for the past 8 (eight) years.
The entire premises of the hospital covers an area of about 20,000sq meters of land. It has 3 entrances. There is a massive bungalow complex that serves as the OPD. It currently accommodates the following units
- Administrative block
- Consulting Rooms
- Pharmacy store and Dispensary
- Medical Records/Data room
- Front Desk
- Radiology unit
- Ophthalmic Clinic and workshop
- Cash room and Billing
- HMO unit
- OPD waiting and observation unit
- Dental Unit
- Accident and Emergency
- Stay in Rooms
There is a separate building adjacent to the OPD that serves as Morgue and opposite the Morgue, there is a small house for generator.
There are three expansive block of (2) two-storey building and (1) three-storey building. The first one is named Adewale Martins block, the second is named Anthony Cardinal Okogie’s block and the third one is named Leo Hale Taylor’s block- These houses the wards which comprise of 3 massive theatres, open and private wards, semi-private and executive rooms, Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric and Incubator rooms, Creche, Kitchen and Cafeteria, main Laboratory, Scan/ECG and ECO room, Dialysis Unit, Physiotherapy and Diabetic and Hypertensive clinics, Ophthalmic Theater, Maternity and Labour ward and the Chapel.
There are four building in the residential area comprising of 6 units of 3 bedroom apartment, 6 units of 2 bedroom apartment, 4 units of 1 bedroom apartment, and the female religious house (convent) which is a storey building of 8 rooms occupied by the Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Congregation who are amongst the management of the hospital.
“To reveal the healing love of Jesus to all in need especially the sick”
“To be leaders in the transformation of healthcare in our communities through faith-inspired commitment to excellence”
- To develop health care institution that combines commitment to gospel values with sound practice
- To motivate clients, patients and families who come to our health facility to take greater responsibility for their health through family, community and parish health programs
- To expand and improve quality health care by collaborating with the public and private sectors in relevant areas of health care.
- To provide authoritative guidance on some specific moral issues facing health
- Reverence
- Compassion
- Justice
- Excellence
Our hospital is blessed with a highly qualified specialists Staff: Some of these include a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon who is the Medical Director, two Obstetric and Gynaecologist, consultants, a Nephrology, a Paediatrician, a consultant ENT doctor, an Ophthalmologist, a Urologist, consultant Anaesthetist, a consultant Family Medicine Physician, a Cardiologist, a Radiologist, Medical Officers, Experienced Nursing staff, Pharmacists, Radiology Staff, Laboratory Staff, Records, Account/Admin staff, Mortuary, Maintenance, Domestic and Daycare staff. The hospital has a total number of 203 Staff presently.
We stand for holistic care and best standard practice in health care.
Our General out Patient Services include:
- Accident and Emergency Unit: The hospital has an accident and emergency unit where accident and emergency cases are given prompt attention.
- Laboratory and Blood Bank Unit: Our Laboratory runs a 24-hour shift and provides an extensive range of haematological, chemistry, parasitology, etc investigations.
- Internal Medicine Unit: The clinic runs twice in a week, every Friday and Saturday. The hospital is also in the process of obtaining accreditation for a residency program for doctors.
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit: Our Obstetrics and Gynaecology clinic runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. 2 Gynaecologists manage the unit.
- Orthopaedic Unit: Our Orthopaedic unit is equipped with a state of the arts orthopaedic theatre with the latest C-arm equipment. The Orthopaedic surgeon is available to attend to patients on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week.
- Physiotherapy Unit: The hospital has a Physiotherapy unit that runs is open 4 days a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Two experienced physiotherapists work in the hospital
- Cardiology Unit: A very well-experienced Cardiologist runs the unit.
- Ophthalmic Unit: This clinic is open to patients from Monday to Friday. With an experienced Ophthalmic Surgeon. The clinic is often rated as the best around town by patients who patronize the clinic.
- Dental Unit: The hospital boasts of a well-equipped dental unit. We have very good staff and Dentist with a variety of services.
- Nephrology/ Dialysis Unit: A well-experienced Nephrologist runs the clinic and the dialysis unit is open to attend to patients Monday through Friday.
- Surgical Unit: Different surgeries are performed in the hospital ranging from simple to complex procedures including laparectomy, myomectomy orthopaedic surgeries, etc.
- Immunization and Child Welfare Unit: The hospital carry out immunization fortnightly both for Children and adult
- Cervical cancer screening Centre: The hospital carries out cervical cancer screening and breast examination on demand but also runs a promotion of women’s health annually during the month of October.
- Ambulance services: The hospital runs life ambulance services as well as provides Hearse services for transportation of remains to different parts of the country.
- Mortuary Services: The morgue serves both deceased in-patients and patients that died in other places. We have competent morticians in the unit
- HIV Counselling and testing treatment Centre: St Raphael is an accredited Centre for people living with HIV/AIDS. The hospital provides counseling, screening and testing in this area.
- Hypertensive and Diabetic clinic: This unit was sponsored by Sanofi Aventis for the treatment and care of hypertensive and diabetic patients in a very special way.
- Day Care services: The hospital has a conducive Creche where staff babies and others from the area especially from working-class mothers are taken care of by our dedicated staff
- Kitchen and Cafeteria: The hospital has a kitchen and cafeteria that serve both the patients, relatives, and the staff. Meals are served according to patient’s preference.
- State of the Art Theatre with C-Arm: Our modern theater with c-arm and oxygen piping is second to none. Many sophisticated surgeries are being carried out in this theater
- Intensive Care Unit: We also have a state-of-the-art intensive care unit at an affordable cost to meet the health needs of the people living around Ikorodu and environs
- Admissions: We have very conducive single rooms, semi-private rooms, executive rooms, open wards, Pediatric ward, phototherapy, and incubator room
- Ear, Nose and Throat Unit: This unit has a well-experienced consultant who runs the clinic.
- Chaplain and Chaplaincy: The hospital has a Chaplain who takes care of the spiritual needs of the staff and patients with their relatives. He also takes care of our Chaplaincy celebrating Mass on daily basis. The office of the Chaplain is opened from Monday to Friday.
- Residency in Family Medicine: The Hospital is working on and awaiting accreditation to commence residency in family medicine by the Post Graduate Medical College.
The Management Team comprises of the following;
- Medical Director
- Director of Administration
- Director of Nursing Services
- Director of Pastoral Services
The team meets every Monday to review the activities of the previous week. They also meet with the HOD’s monthly and meets with all the staff from time to time.
This is the equivalent of the “Hospital Board”. Membership comprises of a very well-experienced team of experts in Medicine and other areas of studies who were appointed by the Archbishop to guide and assist the Management Team in ensuring that the hospital is managed according to best practices and generally accepted guidelines in medicine and healthcare delivery. Dr. Mrs. Henrietta Williams is the current Chairperson of the Committee.
Management believes that the hospital has a bright future. Management continues to work assiduously towards the growth of the hospital to reach its full potential through team effort with the cooperation of all staff. Having begun as a primary health care provider and graduating into secondary provider, it is the goal of management that the hospital will very soon attain a higher qualification as a tertiary health institution and a teaching hospital. It is the dream of the very dedicated hospital staff and management that St Raphael Divine Mercy Specialist Hospital will become one of the very best in Africa.